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Why is multicurrency calculation important in assessing the business economy

Why is multicurrency calculation important in assessing the business economy

When calculating the economy of your business, it is always important to make a multicurrency calculation of all its financial and economic indicators. I.e., calculate the final Indicators are not only in the main national currency, in which business costs are mainly formed, but also in the currency of the world equivalent. At the moment, it is still a dollar (well, it is possible in yuan or bitcoin, for example).

This is necessary in order to assess the value of their assets, including the products produced by this business, in the world currency, on the basis of which a conclusion is drawn about their price competitiveness on the world stage, where calculations are mainly carried out in this currency.

this is important

Or, for example, the book value of an organization in the national currency does not make any special sense. Because, in case of sale to an external investor, the assessment balance sheet is always made in the currency of the world equivalent. I.e. if, for example, the price of an organization in rubles is very high (for example, there are "sewn"; hidden losses) and with an inflated exchange rate of the national currency in dollars, the value of assets it will be unreasonably high and the investor is likely to refuse this transaction, due to its inconsistency with the market price.

When management neglects this, you have to do something similar to this at the finish line.

In order not to write off hidden losses from the balance sheet directly to the result and bring the current value of assets into line with the market value, a large-scale devaluation is carried out, which, in turn, brings all this value to the real one in a natural way.

Therefore, in order to control and manage your assets correctly, a multi-currency calculation of financial and economic indicators is always important in business valuation.

автор - Михаленко Р.
M R. Автор - kaktotak.by Специализация: финансово-экономическое проектирование - моделирование бизнеса, инвестиционных проектов реального сектора, анализ и оценка эффективности, оптимизация системы управленческих решений.

Широкий спектр web-компетенций для решения задач бизнеса.

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