Today, many who are trying to enter the field of web development sometimes get lost, not understanding which technologies need to be used to start this path.
So, the simplest and most correct one is js + php, at least at the elementary level, but no one has canceled css either. And, of course, the Laravel framework!
And then, if you want to provide yourself with high-quality and fashionable skills in accordance with the trends of today in the field of web development, I strongly advise you to immerse yourself in Laravel + Vue + Inertia + Tailwind
Today it is the most modern monolith of current trends in the WEB.
In a nutshell, what is the point.
Laravel provides a convenient logical structure of interaction within the framework of MVC (Model-View-Controlle) for processing any http requests (which is, in principle, typical of other php frameworks). I.e. controllers accept requests, process them at the level of related models (interaction with the database) and they give this information out (display - on html web pages).
Vue already provides js interaction with this data on the client (these web pages) at the expense of the component approach, which is convenient when scaling the project.
And here is one of the key elements of this hodgepodge, which puts Laravel in the first place in relation to other php frameworks - this is INERTIAJS.
INERTIA This is a technology/tool that allows you to create single-page applications that are fully displayed on the client side, without the complexities inherent in modern single-page applications (SPA) by using existing server templates.
INERTIA simplifies the development process by removing the configuration of all previously necessary APIs and returned JSON, AXIOS for data output in components Vue, as well as Vue Router for route management.
INERTIA allows you to solve the complex of all this interaction at the level of the Lalavel framework only.
The main thing about using INERTIA technology is that it allowed Laravel to create applications without changing the methods of writing code to create controllers, extract data from a database and render views.
And the last one is Tailwind – a modern CSS framework, which is essentially designed to replace the well-known Bootstrap. Although, in no case should the latter be discounted.
The main advantage of Tailwind is that it uses a set of utility classes to create a neat user interface with more flexibility.
When making up the pages of the site, it is important to simply understand the syntax of Tailwind, which already generates ready-made css code based on its own under the hood on the pages of your project.
Having studied this monolith - Laravel + Vue + Inertia + Tailwind and the principle of interaction of these technologies within Laravel, your level of full stack developer can increase significantly.