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Comparability of MySQL field types and Laravel migrations with the types of data being added

Comparability of MySQL field types and Laravel migrations with the types of data being added

Setting the correct field types in a MySQL table is an important step in database design. The right data types will help optimize information storage and speed up query execution.

The main MySQL data types and recommendations for their use, including for migrations to Laravel.

Field types in MySQL

1. Numeric types

- INT: Used for integers.
- TINYINT: For very small integers (from -128 to 127 or from 0 to 255).
- SMALLINT: For small integers (from -32,768 to 32,767).
- MEDIUMINT: For medium integers (from -8,388,608 to 8,388,607).
- BIGINT: For large integers (from -2^63 to 2^63-1).
- FLOAT and DOUBLE: For floating point numbers.

2. String types

- VARCHAR(n): For strings of variable length.
- CHAR(n): For fixed-length strings.
- TEXT: For storing large texts.
- BLOB: For storing binary data.

3. Date and time

- DATE: For storing date (YYYY-MM-DD).
- TIME: For storing time (HH:MM:SS).
- DATETIME: For storing date and time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS).
- TIMESTAMP: Similar to DATETIME, but automatically updated when the record changes.

4. Logical types

- BOOLEAN: TINYINT(1) is used for boolean values.

Recommendations for choosing data types

1. Use the minimum required data type for your needs.2. Use VARCHAR for strings that can vary in length, and CHAR for fixed strings.3. When using indexes, keep in mind that longer fields slow down operations.4. For prices, use DECIMAL with the specified number of decimal places.

Example of a table with the correct data types

CREATE TABLE products (
    name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
    description TEXT,
    price DECIMAL(10, 2) NOT NULL,
    quantity INT DEFAULT 0,


Field types in Laravel

Examples of migrations with different data types

1. Numeric types

Schema::create('products', function (Blueprint $table) {
    $table->id(); // This is the default BIGINT
    $table->tinyInteger('rating')->nullable(); // TINYINT
    $table->smallInteger('stock')->default(0); // SMALLINT
    $table->integer('price'); // INT
    $table->float('discount')->nullable(); // FLOAT
    $table->double('price_with_tax', 15, 8); // DOUBLE


2. String types

Schema::create('users', function (Blueprint $table) {
    $table->id(); // BIGINT
    $table->string('name', 100); // VARCHAR(100)
    $table->string('email')->unique(); // VARCHAR
    $table->char('country_code', 2); // CHAR(2)
    $table->text('bio')->nullable(); // TEXT
    $table->binary('avatar')->nullable(); // BLOB


3. Date and time types

Schema::create('orders', function (Blueprint $table) {
    $table->id(); // BIGINT
    $table->date('order_date'); // DATE
    $table->time('delivery_time'); // TIME
    $table->dateTime('created_at')->useCurrent(); // DATETIME
    $table->timestamp('updated_at')->nullable(); // TIMESTAMP


4. Logical types

Schema::create('settings', function (Blueprint $table) {
    $table->id(); // BIGINT
    $table->boolean('is_active')->default(true); // TINYINT(1)


Example of a full migration

use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;

class CreateProductsTable extends Migration
    public function up()
        Schema::create('products', function (Blueprint $table) {
            $table->id(); // BIGINT
            $table->string('name', 100); // VARCHAR(100)
            $table->text('description')->nullable(); // TEXT
            $table->decimal('price', 10, 2); // DECIMAL (10, 2)
            $table->integer('quantity')->default(0); // INT
            $table->timestamps(); // created_at and updated_at

    public function down()


General recommendations

1. Use nullable(): For fields that may not matter.
2. Use default(value): To set default values.3. Keep in mind the uniqueness: The unique() method ensures the uniqueness of the value in the column.

автор - Михаленко Р.
M R. Автор - kaktotak.by Specialization: financial and economic design - modeling of business, investment projects of the real sector, analysis and evaluation of efficiency, optimization of the management decision system.

A wide range of web-based competencies for solving business problems.

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