Why Trump is the Best Choice for the Global Economy
To be honest, of course, I want Trump to come to power in the United States.
I want the world economy to be run by a person who understands what the economy is and how to handle it correctly, and not these people with sparkling heads, innate hatred of someone built on their stereotypes, which for this purpose has produced dollars for the whole world, financing the degradation of human consciousness and wars in the global system.
Competent individuals should govern the country, especially when creation and economics are at the heart of everything.
And, as it seems, the Americans themselves and the world will get only advantages from this.
Under Trump the dollar will be strong only for Americans, and moderate for the world in its own interests, which will improve the US economy. Although China will suffer greatly from this.
However, the Celestial Empire is not sweet now, with the current policy of the Democrats.
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