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Who shits and who cleans - the good deeds of the «yellow vests» of Svetlogorsk

Who shits and who cleans - the good deeds of the «yellow vests» of Svetlogorsk

In Svetlogorsk, in the area of the 6th microdistrict, «yellow men» were seen carrying out a noble mission to clean the land of Svetlogorsk from that "evil spirits", which from time to time is thrown up, to a greater extent, by the younger youth of nearby areas. Picnics, get-togethers and similar events are all good. But who gives them the right to "shit" after themselves where society and nature are! Or are there doubts about the fact that they do it!?

who is littering, and who is cleans in Svetlogorsk

Why did we decide to focus attention, it would seem, on the banal harvesting process of ordinary workers of KZHUP "Svetoch".

Yes, because today to see how someone «shits» does not cause much surprise, but the reverse process, when he cleans up, at least for himself, is already out of the realm of some kind of fiction.  It's clear what kind of fosterlings are such and the educator. In some families, moral norms are instilled from birth, and in some they are not. And it is absolutely useless to explain and prove something to the latter.

In the current situation, when a part of society has degrading prerequisites in its moral education and cannot help itself, then public order bodies should probably come to the rescue with the identification and bringing of such persons to administrative responsibility. So to speak, it is necessary to teach good manners through a "whip".

However, today those who are called to keep order cannot even think that the concept of "public order" includes, for example, not only a ban on drinking alcoholic beverages in public places.

Someone threw a cigarette butt anywhere, a package, other garbage, emptied a four-legged friend on the playground and the like. Is this all OK? Installation only on staggering and with a bottle in hand.

It is not quite the right approach in the objectivity of the assessed norms of public order by police officers.

Why is that?

how public order bodies work in Svetlogorsk

Everything is simple - on the part of the authorized bodies, today's assessment of moral norms is based not on the principles of human perception of public order, but on the principles of accountable approaches, the level of one's own upbringing and dignity, as well as the loyalty of higher authorities to such an approach.

For reference!

Public order (according to the submitted wikipedia.org )– a set of rules of mutual behavior and dormitories regulated by current legislation, customs and traditions, as well as moral norms.

Neither carrot nor stick - the problem is not solved!

Frankly, recently, Svetlogorsk has begun to turn from a clean and green town into a dirty and smelly town - what a pity!

throw out the trash and become a hero Svetlogorsk

Thank you, kind people in yellow vests. You are heroes !

Who shits, and who cleans - good deeds of the "yellow vests" of Svetlogorsk - Something like that!

автор - Михаленко Р.
M R. Автор - kaktotak.by Специализация: финансово-экономическое проектирование - моделирование бизнеса, инвестиционных проектов реального сектора, анализ и оценка эффективности, оптимизация системы управленческих решений.

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