Hi! I am Ruslan, an ordinary person with my own interests and ambitions.
I have extensive experience in the field of financial and economic design and web development, but I am not a trivial economist, with a quality mark - statistician).
I like to explore new ideas and share my knowledge with others.
I'm always looking for ways to do something useful in this world (SPAM).
Creation and improvement of the quality of society and business in general.
What can I do for you
- I explain many financial and economic aspects in simple language, which allows both myself to be in good shape, and to help people figure something out.
- I use simple algorithms to explain economic processes so that a person can navigate them and optimize them for their tasks
- I solve current problems of economics and business with the help of modern web tools:
Development of high-quality financial and economic models based on Excel for business plans of any type of activity
Development of CRM (online customer relationship management systems) based on modern technologies - Laravel + InertiaJS + Vue
I can easily tell which is fake and which is reliable
- I offer individual consultations on financial and economic planning and web development within my skills
To confirm my level by publishing beautiful books with the inscription "Diploma" is not mine. I think that diplomas without confirmation of real abilities actually only shame a person.
Specialization and Experience
More than 20 years of experience as an economist at one of the largest industrial enterprises in the Republic of Belarus.
Economic design: financial and economic analysis, business planning and evaluation of investment projects.
MS Excel: building automated financial and economic models of enterprises/organizations using macros (Visual Basic). Configuring Excel interaction with web server technologies (PHP, MYSQL).
Investment design is the construction of financial and economic models of an enterprise based on accounting data, the formation of a starting balance sheet, the imposition of investment projects on current activities, incremental methods for evaluating the effectiveness of investments, calculation of integral indicators of projects, sensitivity analysis, model management and appropriate decision-making.
Monitoring the trend/dynamics of project payback.
What I work with in web development
Back-End: PHP, API, MYSQL, Laravel, CodeIgniter
Front-End: JavaScript, jQuery, Node.js, Vue, Bootstrap, Tailwind
Full-stack:My favorite build for developing CRM systems of any level is Laravel+ InertiaJS + Vue.
SEO and marketing:Optimization, content creation, advertising
Graphics:Photoshop, 3D Max
Hosting and CMS:Setting up domains and databases, working with WordPress and other systems
Using knowledge of economics in combination with the web, I can automate certain business processes for specific tasks at an individual level.
I will be glad if I become a part of your project, or if I have to do something useful for your business.
If you have any questions or ideas, write to me at Telegram. I am always open to communication and ready to discuss any suggestions.
- Financial and economic model for calculating the cost and evaluating the effectiveness of commercial activities (JS+jQuery+PHP): kaktotak.by
- CRM HR Manager (Laravel+Vue+InertiaJS) is a system that helps companies automate the candidate management process: job-creator.store
- CRM for collecting job seekers' orders (Laravel+Vue+InertiaJS): job-my.ru
- Effective methods of carbon fiber treatment - landing shop(native JS+PHP): carbon.komplemir.by