Telegram occupies one of the leading positions in the world of technology and communications due to its popularity and variety of functions. However, recent events have attracted public attention to the founder of the messenger, Pavel Durov. His detention in France was an important event, raising questions about the moderation of content and the responsibility of platforms for the actions of their users.
Telegram founder Pavel Durov found himself in the spotlight after being detained by French police. His arrest took place at Le Bourget airport immediately after he landed on his private jet. This was reported by several French TV channels such as LCI and TF1.
Durov was detained by the gendarmes of the air gendarmerie as soon as he got off the plane. The information was later confirmed by TF1-related sources.
According to TF1, the reason for the detention is due to the fact that Pavel Durov was wanted. He is accused of the fact that the lack of moderation in Telegram and the refusal to cooperate with law enforcement agencies made him an accomplice to illegal activities related, in particular, to the distribution of drugs, child pornography and fraud.
The French media also indicate that Durov has French citizenship along with Russian. According to some reports, he was aware of his wanted list and tried not to visit France, and the reasons for his visit this time remain a mystery.
The information mentions that the businessman came from Azerbaijan. At the moment, Telegram has not commented on the situation with the detention of Pavel Durov.
The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported that the Russian Embassy in France reacted quickly to the events and began the process of clarifying the circumstances concerning its citizen, although there were no official requests for help from Durov.