There are smart contracts and worthwhile startups, the essence of which is tokenization all processes of public life for the convenience of solving those tasks that currently take up a lot of useless time for people and businesses (in other words, bureaucracy - stupid queues to formalize contractual relations, etc.). The intelligent crypto industry will be responsible for solving these tasks.
And there is a Bitcoin project, which, although good in its own way, is at the same time very beneficial to the American government. This is because it may, perhaps not quite intentionally (or maybe already intentionally, given that a significant proportion of BTC is concentrated in US reserves), help solve the problem of combating by inflation and the outflow of excess dollar liquidity from the economy. Yes, it is dollar.
Just in case: when we buy, for example, the same BTC, even for rubles on the local market (such as a domestic exchange), in the end these exchanges mostly have to purchase BTC on the international market for USD to maintain liquidity or to meet customer demand.
Thus, there is no particular need for the Fed to fully regulate dollar inflation by changing its discount rate, which has such an impact on the potential for economic growth in the United States. For this, there is bitcoin with its capitalization of 1.8 trillion dollars.
And even Treasury securities do not need to be extinguished in front of the Fed in order to withdraw extra dollars from the real sector. The task is being solved with a bang - people who have a lot of US dollars in their pockets do not carry them to the store, which directly affects the consumer price index (CPI), the main criterion for inflation, but to buy cryptocurrencies, namely in BTC. And that's what the U.S. government needs today to solve its economic problems.
As soon as liquidity reaches an acceptable level (dollar inflation decreases), the US monetary authorities will release a certain amount of BTC to the market, which will lead to the return of the necessary amount of dollars to the system to maintain and develop its real sector. An excellent mechanism for regulating its monetary policy.
And printing excess dollars is also not a problem for the US right now; all the surpluses will be absorbed by the same BTC. There is no need to involve any discount rate or treasury securities in this process.
Super scheme!
Based on this, I dare to assume that the BTC exchange rate will never collapse to scam levels, because, in addition to being a convenient transactional mechanism for exchanging digital records, it is also a convenient tool in regulating its monetary policy for the States.
Thus, if there is a sharp collapse in the price of BTC not due to the redistribution of dominance in favor of the alt, but in favor of the dollar, then this is a global crisis, as the United States will drown in hyperinflationary processes that will become inevitable at once.
But I don't think it will come to that so quickly, because BTC is already under the control of the US monetary authorities. Unless there are significantly fewer products in the world compared to today, which forces people to seek liquidity to maintain their pants.Intellectual types of crypts will begin to grow (and I compare them with the real sector) when all other players start withdrawing from BTC and other dubious coins specifically in favor of projects aimed at the creation and development of human life, and from this they receive a return.