Over the past 15 years, everyone who came out of school has mostly settled in the field of information technology, or, as it is fashionable to say now, IT.
Basically, this is a service sector that works to serve the main sector of the economy, which produces real material goods - feeds and clothes. Of course, the process of automating many business processes has a positive effect on the overall economic result of commerce and contributes to its healthy capitalization. If, of course, this process is provided by competent management, which looks not only into today, but also into tomorrow.
The principle of work of such specialists largely boils down to the implementation of mostly existing and proven business process algorithms. For example, the same online trading, where rating marketplaces have practically dug up the entire niche. You can't really think of anything new there anymore. If something new appears (promising startups), all this is quickly copied by other experienced developers around the world and simply new analogues are created.
Against this background, there is an overabundance of specialists in this industry compared to other sectors of the economy. There just aren't that many of them there anymore. And the time is not far off when it will be necessary to eliminate this imbalance, taking into account demographic factors and the real need for goods and material goods.
In the context of a gradual drawdown of the economy, the budget of many manufacturing companies for these purposes (IT) will be reduced, because production will still come out in the first place.
Private business initiatives to create their own production facilities will be a priority. It is those who produce what is directly necessary for society - material goods. Necessity is the key word here. Because such initiatives are creative and economically justified.
The existing inefficient financial management system generates self-enslavement, and very soon she realizes this.
The layer of promising areas of development in the near future may well shift towards those who themselves will be able to act as competent investors and IT specialists in one person. The financial system will be fragmented and placed in the hands of effective management.