Since the advent of the system of monetary settlements for commodities/services, i.e. for pieces of paper, the possibility of speculation (futures, options, etc.), inflation, the life of some at the expense of others, corruption and all the like has arisen in the world. And many people successfully use this to their advantage.
Personally, I think that the most equitable value distribution system in the world is barter and payments to them for their work. He worked out, so he put his work into the product, got it in his hands, provided it himself in exchange for other goods/services he needed. You don't work — you don't get the product. This is a kind of parochial capitalism.
Everyone would be engaged in a real business and would get what they earned. Such a distribution process would force every person to learn and create - from understanding what is needed, how to produce, to the ability to sell their creations, and not just sit around and get paid for it under the auspices of some incomprehensible motives on the part of the system. In other words, to be useful to society, and not to degrade against the background of an excess of money in the system and direct them absolutely not in the direction for which they are actually intended in essence.
Someone produces bread, and with all those who bring real benefits in this business, he pays them the same, and not with fiat money. Someone sews clothes, and these benefits are distributed according to the same principle. The need for bread forces us to find those who have clothes and exchange them for bread. And vice versa, for those who need clothes. And so on and so forth along the entire built-up chain in the global economy. A person would think for himself about what to produce, how to organize work correctly and participate in the process of exchanging goods produced. The motivation is obvious.
Of course, today there is no primitive communal system, and the modern monetary system certainly provides comfort and convenience in commodity exchange operations. But in reality, she has long gone in the wrong direction. There is hidden corruption all around, the economy pumped up with excessive money supply and the desire of many to profit from it further. Only some people poke at others - those print money, but we, like, don't, and vice versa.
And all this, can there be any doubt that it will all burst in the near future? In the end, an ordinary person will be guilty, and all those shoals of the "progressive and correct" work of the economy over the past years will simply be successfully written off as geopolitics, but not to those who should be responsible for it. You can always live on credit comfortably and without much understanding of the economy, but eventually it will all end sometime. Everything will be reset due to the logical devaluation of the currency that will remain or appear and will be the main means of monetary settlements in the world.
If we project barter on today's economic processes (without using in calculations fiat money), then it is possible It would allow us to create the most creative and fair value system in the world.
Of course, in modern conditions, the implementation of a barter system is practically impossible, including taking into account the fact that some kind of price equivalent for each good must be established. But it is quite possible that the same widely criticized bitcoin It would help eliminate the financial chaos that the modern monetary system has created today.